Dear Saturday School community members,
My thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of you. May you remain healthy and safe. Happy and Healthy Spring!
Keeping busy physically and mentally is a good way of getting through difficult times.
Now that we are all on a mandatory break from our daily routines, we need to create new routines in order to cope with the changes in our lives. A few ways of doing that are to remain calm and to occupy our time with constructive and positive activities.
Things to do in family settings during the mandatory break
– Plan your days and have some structure as to what to do and when to do them.
– Read books. Read together as a family. Memorize good quotes from famous writers and verses from the Bible.
– Write letters to friends and relatives.
– Start an “Armenian Word Wall” (a list of words children could use when speaking and writing)
– Keep a journal. Teach your children to keep their own journals.
– Learn something new everyday. There are so many online sites with interesting information and how-to-do instructions on Wikipedia, YouTube, and other similar sites. You may like these: (see “Armenian online Resources” for more links).
– Learn how to sew and have family time of sewing buttons and mending clothes, even making a quilt, etc.
– Play board games, musical instruments, do crafts, draw, make scrap books, make family videos, try new recipes, etc.
– Plant seeds, such as lentils, chickpeas, beans and then let children take care of them.
– Exercise, do Yoga.
– Don’t forget to include in your plan some quiet and alone times for the family and for yourself.
– Pray for your family, your friends and neighbours, all the front-line workers, caretakers, researchers, and the medical teams of the world.